Talks and Lectures are free. The Christian Science Publishing Society has an online listing for all lectures thru -out the world with connecting info.. Use the button to connect to these lectures. Following are lectures within easy reach.. Click on text to connect.
Lectures of interest for Harrisburg, Central Pennsylvania areas:
In person talk
is concluded, stand by for another

Hampton Inn
1800 Paper Mill Rd
Wyomissing, PA 19610

no playback
This event is over. Stand-by for a new speaker.
More info:
click here.
Event is over.
Standby for a new speaker.
Saturday May 18 @ 2pm

Location: Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ
15 West Church St.
Frederick, MD 21701

Speaker is a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship
Event is over. Standby for a new speaker.
Ortiginally held
April 7th at
Cedar Crest Collage
1 Oberkotter Hall
100 College Dr
Allentown, PA
Easy access from South Cedar Crest Drive, hall on right, parking on left.